Like many world-leading brands, our success has led our products being counterfeited. A growing number of companies make unsubstantiated, unproven and undocumented claims about the performance of their products, saying they work just like “ACE”.
In 2012, as a response to these companies and their unproven claims, ACE launched our $100,000 Challenge. Our challenge was simple: find another product that has proven performance like ACE and we will give you $100,000 USD.
Nine years after launching this challenge to the world, ACE has not had one response.
So, we’ve decided to increase our challenge to $250,000!
The ACE challenge
Should you find one other window film manufacture that can meet or beat our independent third party ballistics and explosives testing with a commercially available product that has been on the market widely advertised for at least 10 years and with independent, third-party laboratory testing to ballistic performance standards established by Underwriter Laboratory, the National Institute of Justice and the European Committee for Standardization, ACE will GIVE you $250,000 USD.
Should you wish to accept our challenge
We invite you to contact the following: (USA) | (USA) | (USA) | (USA) |
China 571 window film suppliers |
| (USA/India) |
India 231 window film suppliers | (Israel) |
South Korea 300 window film suppliers |