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Disclaimer regarding smash-resistance, bullet-resistance and bomb-resistance
This content on this site is provided as an educational service by Advanced Coatings Engineering LLC (ACE).
Independent third party testing using the UL-752 and NIJ 0108.01 ballistics standards have established that ACE’s 300 Series security laminates, installed as directed, are capable of resisting bullets from a variety of small arms weapons.
Independent third party testing has established that ACE 200 Series and 300 Series security laminates, installed as directed, are capable of reinforcing glass windows and have the potential to reduce injury from bomb blasts and improvised explosive devices.
Independent third party testing to the UL S332 Standard for Burglary Resistance Glazing Material has established that ACE SL14 security laminates, installed as directed, are an effective means of reinforcing standard commercial glazing to resist break-and-enter type crimes.
Used and installed as directed by a trained installer, ACE security laminates® have the potential to slow or deter attackers and can be an effective part of your security plan.
No window security film or laminate should be considered break-proof, bullet-proof or bomb-proof. At no time does ACE promote or lead readers to believe burglar-proofing, bullet-proofing or bomb-proofing can be achieved solely with the use of ACE products.
ACE encourages potential users to consider having a risk threat assessment performed by one of our trained professionals or a competent independent security consultant to evaluate your security needs.
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The copyrights and other rights to the materials on this Website are owned by Advanced Coatings Engineering LLC (ACE) and/or its subsidiaries worldwide. You are authorized to view, download and reproduce the materials at this Website only for your internal information provided that you 1) retain all notices contained in the original materials 2) only use images with surrounding text relating to the images, and 3) include the following copyright notice:
© 2015, Advanced Coatings Engineering LLC. All rights reserved.
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Other Intellectual Property Rights
Please note that any product, process or technology described in the materials on this Website may be the subject of other intellectual property rights reserved by ACE and are not licensed hereunder.
ACE security laminates and the ACE logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Advanced Coatings Engineering LLC..
THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS WEB SITE IS PROVIDED TO YOU “AS IS,” FOR YOUR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY, WITHOUT WARRANTY OR CONDITION OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OR CONDITION OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES, SO THE ABOVE EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. This information could contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors, and information will be changed, updated and deleted without notice. ACE may make improvements and/or changes in the products and/or the programs described in this material at any time.
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